Help fill our truck so we can "MOVE" closer to our goal!
During the month of October, Boyer Rosene Moving and Storage is raising money for cancer awareness. We are selling ribbons that we will adhere to our truck for $25 with a family member or friend's name and their type of cancer. The ribbons will stay on the truck the whole month of October. We will send you a picture of your ribbon , so you can share it with your loved one. Our goal is to fill the whole truck with ribbons. 100% of all proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. We already filled one side of our truck and are working on the second side. With your help we can do it!
If interested please contact Hillary at hmaziarka@boyerrosene.com.
We were are at Busse Woods in Elk Grove Village this last Sunday! We had a fun day! It was an awesome experience!
Please help "FILL OUR TRUCK"!
We appreciate all your support!
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